Teaching experience

Formal Courses Taught, University of Oklahoma, Physics and Astronomy, 2022

My formal courses taught

SemesterCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 1990Astr 1504General Astronomy
Spring 1991Phys 5970The Physics of Compact Objects$^*$
Fall 1991Astr 4303Stellar Astrophysics
Spring 1992Astr 1504General Astronomy
Fall 1992Astr 4303Stellar Astrophysics
Spring 1993Phys 5970The Physics of Compact Objects
Fall 1993Astr 1504General Astronomy
Spring 1994Phys 5970Galaxy Formation$^*$
Fall 1994Astr 5463Stellar Atmospheres
Spring 1995Astr 3113Intermediate Astrophysics
Fall 1995Astr 1504General Astronomy
Spring 1996Astr 3113Intermediate Astrophysics
Fall 1996Astr 1504General Astronomy
Spring 1997 Sabatical Leave
Fall 1997Astr 5900The Physics of Compact Objects
Spring 1998Astr 1504General Astronomy
Fall 1998Astr 5463Stellar Atmospheres
Spring 1999Astr 1504General Astronomy
Fall 1999Astr 4303Stellar Astrophysics
Spring 2000Astr 5900Seminar in Gamma Ray Bursts$^*$
Fall 2000Astr 5900Numerical Methods$^*$
Spring 2001Astr 1504General Astronomy
Fall 2001Astr 4303Stellar Astrophysics
Spring 2002Astr 5463Stellar Atmospheres
Fall 2002Astr 1504/1514General Astronomy
Spring 2003Astr 3113Intermediate Astrophysics
Fall 2003Astr 5900/Phys 6980Numerical Methods
Spring 2004Sabbatical Leave 
Fall 2004Sabbatical Leave 
Spring 2005Astr 1504/1514General Astronomy
Fall 2005Phys 5970The Physics of Compact Objects
Spring 2006Astr 5900/Phys 6980Numerical Methods
Fall 2006Astr 1504/1514General Astronomy
Spring 2007Astr 3113Galaxies and Cosmology
Fall 2007Astr 5463Stellar Atmospheres
Spring 2008Astr 5900/Phys 6980Numerical
Fall 2008Astr 4303Stellar Astrophysics
Spring 2009Astr 3113Galaxies and Cosmology
Fall 2009Astr 5900/Phys 6980Numerical Methods
Spring 2010Astr 1504/1514Exploring the Universe
Fall 2010Astr 4303Stellar Astrophysics
Fall 2010Astr 5463Stellar Atmospheres
Spring 2011Teaching Release 
Fall 2011Sabbatical Leave 
Spring 2012Sabbatical Leave 
Fall 2012Phys 5900The Physics of Compact Objects
Spring 2013Astr 4303Stellar Astrophysics
Fall 2013Astr 4303Stellar Astrophysics
Spring 2014Astr 5900/Phys 6980Numerical Methods
Fall 2014Astr 4303Stellar Astrophysics
Spring 2015Astr 3190Introduction to Research$^*$
Fall 2015Astr 1504/1514Exploring the Universe
Spring 2016Astr 3190Introduction to Research
Fall 2016Astr 5463Stellar Atmospheres
Spring 2017Astr 1504/1514Exploring the Universe
Fall 2017Astr 4303Stellar Astrophysics
Spring 2018Astr 3190Introduction to Research
Fall 2018Sabbatical Leave 
Spring 2019Sabbatical Leave 
Fall 2019Astr 3103Stars
Spring 2020ASTR 1504/1514 (2 sections)Exploring the Universe
Fall 2020Astr 3103Stars
Spring 2021Astr 5900/Phys 6970/Phys 4970Numerical Methods
Fall 2021Teaching Release 
Spring 2022Astr 3113Galaxies and Cosmology
Fall 2022Astr 5463Stellar Atmospheres