My List of Conference Talks
Conference Talks
Collapse Calculations in Stars of Mass Less Than 15 solar masses, Invited talk at Symposium in Honor of the 80th Birthday of H. A. Bethe, Ithaca, 1986.
The Prompt Supernova Mechanism, Invited talk at Brookhaven Workshop on Supernovae, Sept, 1987.
Explosions in Type II Supernovae, Contributed talk at Conference on the Big Bang, Active Galactic Nuclei, and Supernovae, Tokyo, March, 1988.
Type II Supernovae: How Do They Explode?, Invited talk 3rd Conference on the Intersections Between Particle and Nuclear Physics, Rockford, ME, May, 1988.
Type II Supernovae, Invited talk at Workshop on Particle Astrophysics: Forefront Experimental Issues, Berkeley, Dec, 1988.
Initial Models and the Prompt Mechanism of SN II, Invited talk at 10th Santa Cruz Summer Workshop, Santa Cruz, June, 1989.
The Status of Stellar Collapse Calculations, Invited talk at Michigan Workshop on Supernovae, Ann Arbor, April, 1990.
The Cooling of Neutron Stars, Invited talk at Michigan Workshop on Supernovae, Ann Arbor, April, 1990.
Prompt Mechanism of Stellar Collapse, Invited talk at Supernova Workshop at Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, July, 1990.
Spectroscopy and Light Curves in Type Ib Supernovae, Invited talk at Nuclear Astrophysics of Type II Supernovae, Seattle, Feb., 1992.
SN 1993J: One Year Later, Invited talk Physics of Supernovae, in honor of Stirling Colgate, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, PA, April 7, 1994.
NLTE Modeling of SNe Ia Near Maximum Light, Invited talk NATO ASI: Thermonuclear Supernovae, Aiguablava, Spain, June, 1995.
Using Supernovae as Abundance Probes, Invited talk at Nordic Symposium on Galaxy Evolution, NORDITA, Copenhagen, June, 1996.
Progress on Modeling the Spectra of Core Collapse Supernovae, Invited talk Supernova Explosions: Their Causes and Consequences, ITP, Santa Barbara, Aug, 1997.
Searching for the Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae, Invited talk Supernova Workshop, ITP, Santa Barbara, Sep, 1997.
SNe Ia Light Curves and Specta: Evolutionary Effects?, Invited Talk Type Ia Supernovae: Evolution and Cosmology Univ. of Chicago, Oct., 1998.
Radiation Transport in Type Ia Supernovae: Current Status and Future Prospects, Invited Talk, Workshop on Thermonuclear Supernovae, European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*), Trento, Italy, July, 2000.
Parallelization Strategies for ALI Radiative Transfer in Moving Media, Invited Talk at Stellar Atmosphere Modeling, Tuebingen, Germany, March, 2002.
Highlights of Modeling Stellar Objects with PHOENIX, Invited talk at IAU Symposium No. 210, Modelling of Stellar Atmospheres, Uppsala, Sweden, June, 2002.
An Introduction to the Spectral Fitting Expanding Atmosphere Method (SEAM), Talk at SNAP Collaboration Meeting, Berkeley, CA, March 29, 2003.
The SEAM Method of Using Type II Supernovae as Cosmological Beacons, SNAP Science Meeting, LBL, Berkeley, CA, March 12, 2004.
Early Spectra of Supernovae, Invited talk at 1604–2004: Supernovae as Cosmological Lighthouses, Padova, Italy, June 18, 2004.
Parameter Studies of SNe Ia, Invited talk at INT Workshop on Type Ia Supernovae and Cosmology Aug 5, 2004.
Overview of Supernova Modeling with PHOENIX, Invited talk at 5th Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics Vrsac, Serbia, June 06-10, 2005.
Spectral Modeling of SNe Ia Near Maximum Light: Probing the Characteristics of Hydro Models, Invited talk at Supernova RTN meeting, Max-Planck Institut fuer Astrophysik, Garching, Germany, Sep. 14-17, 2005.
Spectral Modeling of Type II SN, Invited talk at The Multicoloured Landscape of Compact Objects and Their Explosive Origins, Cefalu, Sicily, June 11-24, 2006.
SYNOW & PHOENIX, Invited talk at The Type Ia Supernovae and Dark Energy Workshop, Chicago, IL, Sept 6-7, 2006.
Numerical Simulations of SNe Ia Explosions — The State of Art From The Viewpoint of a Spectroscopist, Invited talk at Energetic Events in the Universe: From Physics to Cosmology, Marseille, France, June 26, 2007.
3D Radiative Transfer with PHOENIX, Invited talk Recent Directions in Astrophysical Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiation Hydrodynamics, Boulder, CO, March 31, 2009.
Hydrogen in Type Ib Supernovae, Invited talk 4th Annual meeting of the Third Coast Astronomical Society: Probing the Dark Ages, Tallahassee, FL, May 20, 2010.
Hydrogen in Type Ib Supernovae, Contributed talk Progenitors and environments of stellar explosions, Paris, France, June 28, 2010.
Generalized 3-D Radiative Transfer for Astrophysical Atmospheres, Invited talk, Cool Stars 16, Aug 30, 2010.
An Overview of Quantitative Supernova Spectroscopy, Northern Astrophysics Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany July 8, 2011.
SNe Ia Theory: The Explosion Zoo, Invited Talk, SNe Ia Infrared Workshop, Pitt PACC, University of Pittsburgh, March 29, 2012.
The Melding, Invited Talk/Discussion, SNe Ia Infrared Workshop, Pitt PACC, University of Pittsburgh, March 30, 2012.
A Physical Model for SN 2001ay, Invited Talk, Cooks Branch Meeting on Astronomy: Supernova Cosmology and Looking into the Future Montgomery, TX, April 13, 2012.
The PHOENIX/3D Suite: Current Capabilities and Future Directions, contributed talk, Fifty One Ergs, North Carolina State University, Rayleigh, NC, May 2013.
Late Time Spectral Models of SN 2011fe, Invited talk at Carnegie Supernova Project II Workshop, Cooks Branch, Montgomery, TX, October 5, 2013.
SNe Ia: Can Chandrasekhar Mass Explosions Reproduce the Observed Zoo?, Invited talk, 45 Years of Nuclear Theory at Stony Brook: A Tribute to Gerry Brown, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY Nov 25, 2013.
Galactic Archaeology with Cool Stars, Invited Panel Member, at Cool Stars 18 in Flagstaff, AZ, USA from 9-13 June 2014.
Diversity in SNe Ia: Does It Require Diversity in the Progenitor Mass? Invited talk, XX Anniversary of the Department of Astronomy of University of Guanajuato, Aug 14, 2014
Optical and Ultraviolet Spectral Analysis of SN 2011fe, Invited talk at Carnegie Supernova Project II Workshop, Cooks Branch, Montgomery, TX, April 14, 2016.
Nearby Supernova factory data and SNe Ia Physics, Carnegie Supernova Project II Collaboration Meeting, Carnegie Observatory, Pasadena, CA, Nov 4, 2016.
Late Time Spectra of SN 2011fe, Contributed paper, Supernovae Through the Ages Conference, Easter Island, Chile, Aug 11, 2016.
Dont Know Much About: Kilonovae, Talk at JWST ERS Supernovae in the Dark Workshop, Cooks Branch, Montgomery, TX, April 26, 2017.
Preliminary Results of PHOENIX NLTE Spectra of Toy Kilonova Models, Invited talk at INT Program INT-17-2b Electromagnetic Signatures of r-process Nucleosynthesis in Neutron Star Binary Mergers, Institute for Nuclear Theory, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA, Aug 2, 2017.
SuperBol Carnegie Supernova Project II Collaboration Meeting, Carnegie Observatory, Pasadena, CA, Oct 27, 2017.
Modeling Si II lines in SN 2012fr, Chris Cain & E. Baron Carnegie Supernova Project II Collaboration Meeting, Carnegie Observatory, Pasadena, CA, Oct 28, 2017.
SNe Ia Rad Tran with PHOENIX,invited, SRitp workshop Radiation Transfer and Explosive Thermonuclear Burning in Supernovae, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, Jun 27, 2018.
Investigating Si II lines in SN 2012fr, E. Baron & Chris Cain Carnegie Supernova Project II Collaboration Meeting, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, CA, July 18, 2018.
Intro to Models of SNe Ia, E. Baron Carnegie Supernova Project II Collaboration Meeting, St. George Island, FL, Feb 25, 2019.
What We Did at OU on our Summer Vacation, E. Baron Carnegie Supernova Project II Collaboration Meeting, Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena, CA, Oct 11, 2019.
About Eddie Baron, Planetary Science Institute Retreat, Tucson, AZ, Aug 4, 2023.